We are excited to present our new initiative for 2016 for all the young artists in our area!
Do you sing, play an instrument, or dance? Did your arangetram leave you exhilarated and floating on cloud nine!? But since then, do you find yourself unfulfilled, just presenting an odd krithi here or a dance there? Or, did you never get to do an arangetram due to circumstances beyond your control, but you just know you are good enough!? Do you long to deliver a serious and extended performance, something that will make you and your parents and your Guru proud?! Then read on ..
In this, our ninth year, we at Shruti Laya proudly present Bala Shruti: a new Youth Music Concert and Performance Club. Sri. Balaskandan, noted music teacher in our area, and Sreenadh, will be the coordinators of this club.
Membership in the club is free and open to all youth in our area. Registration is required, and a membership card will be provided.
The club will hold monthly events on the third Saturday of each month. Most events will be conducted at the Sarvamangala Shri Saneeswara Temple (95-30 225th Street Queens Village - NY 11429 Ph: 718 740 9400 www.NavagrahaUSA.com) at 4:00 PM. The events will consist of music or dance performances by members of the club.
At each club event, there will be one Featured Performance of 90 minutes. This is expected to be a serious presentation. For music, it should be a full kutcheri with a main piece featuring raga elaboration, kalpana swaram and preferably niraval; there should also be a sub main piece with short raga/swara elaboration. Dancers should present a full margam including varnam and thillana. Accompanists will also be selected for the concerts from within the club where possible. Concert participants are encouraged to rehearse together before the concert to enhance their performance.
There will also be up to three short performance slots of 15 minutes each at each event. Full concert aspirants are encouraged to participate in these short concerts in order to demonstrate their talents.
Attendance at these concerts by all club members is expected and encouraged. Your membership card will be punched each time you attend a concert. Concert opportunities will only be given to members who attend at least 75% (or 3 out of the last 4) of the events.
Where possible, we will seek to invite visiting and local artists as guests to these concerts. These artists will be invited to present a critique of the concerts. We expect these comments from the established performance artists will be of great help to the aspiring performers.
Where possible, we will also seek to have music appreciation lec-dems etc., by artists to provide further insights to club members and public. Attendance at these events by members is also expected and encouraged.
There will be no entrance fee or participation fee for any of these concerts or programs. Members of the public are welcome to attend all these programs.
Interested?! Please fill up this form to register.
A few more details are in order. The concerts will normally be held on the third Saturday of every month, at 4:00 PM (occasionally, if the timing conflicts with some other program, we may have to change this). The venue will be the Sarvamangala Shri Saneeswara Temple (95-30 225th Street Queens Village - NY 11429 Ph: 718 740 9400 www.NavagrahaUSA.com). We are yet to decide about the venue for dance performances. Ideally, we will select the artists for the events well in advance, so that you will have plenty of time to practice and perfect your performance. It is also very important that everyone attends all concerts to provide a supportive and encouraging audience for the young performers. As noted, performance opportunities will be provided only to artists with at least 75% attendance.